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Selectmen Minutes 05/31/2011
Chichester Board of Selectmen
Minutes of Meeting
May 31, 2011

Members present:  Richard DeBold, Mike Paveglio, Jeffrey Jordan
Others Present:  Nancy Tanner (Town Administrator), Alan Mayville, Donna Chagnon, Barbara Frangione, Walter Sanborn, Thomas Houle
Chairman DeBold opened the meeting at 7:00PM.  

There were no scheduled appointments.  

Other Business

Community Building Roof:  Ms. Frangione asked about the status of the roof.  Some ideas were discussed such as asphalt shingles, aluminum shingles or metal roofing.  No decision has been made and the Selectmen are still gathering information.  The Selectmen are hoping to have some estimates of cost for each by the end of June.

Contractor Insurance:  Mr. Mayville brought up the issue with not having a contractor’s insurance certificate on file.  He feels this is a serious issue and he wants responsibility taken.   Mr. DeBold said he feels that the Road Agent should have made sure we had it; however it was also the Town Administrators responsibility.  Nancy Tanner also said it is her responsibility to make sure we have the insurance certificates on file.  The contractor will be in next week to speak to the Selectmen.

Chair Lift:  Mike is looking into the chair lift question from last week.  He spoke to Bette Bogdan and learned that the permitting process for the lift is stringent.  Mike will further research the process.

Ordinances: The proposed ordinances were discussed.  Nancy reported that legal council could not find any statutory authority for the False Alarm Ordinance.  The Selectmen will speak to Chief Clarke and Chief Quimby about it next week and then decide how to proceed.

Meetings:  Nancy suggested the Selectmen consider having bi-weekly meetings during the summer months.  The Selectmen will try it for the month of July.  The meetings will be on July 12th and July 26th.

Accounts payable and payroll were approved.

A motion by Mr. DeBold and seconded by Mr. Paveglio to adjourn the meeting at 8:04pm.  Motion passes.

Respectfully submitted,

Nancy Tanner

____________________________    ________ __________________      __________________________
      Richard DeBold, Chairman D.  Michael Paveglio                                 Jeffrey Jordan